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The 9 Agreements

2-day Workshop

9 Agreements That Will Change Your Life & Relationships Forever

dates / testimonials / Hosting]

The “9 Agreements” two-day workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. I’ve spent years in educational training on communication
and years in therapy. The two-day workshop superseded both of these experiences. It provided me with the practical tools I’ve been looking for personally and professionally.
— Dr. Bridget Reynolds Sheffer Ph.D. (Communications)

💗 Peel back layers of protection that are shielding you from the life and the love you want.

💗 Discover spiritual treasures that may be hiding in your most frustrating relationships.

💗 Strengthen your commitment to faith-based principles and practices that will heal and build your relationships.

Overview - What's it all about?

Sailing through the storms of life, it is easy to sink into almost indiscernible layers of protectiveness.  But protecting ourselves from further hurt and disappointment also shields us from love and abundance.  

The 9 Agreements 2 day workshop will assist you in unraveling layers of protectiveness that are keeping you from the vibrant life you were born for.

For couples, this means fully relating to your spouse, free of misunderstandings, expectations, and disappointments.

For singles, it means becoming open to a relationship vs. protective, disheartened, discouraged, or afraid. (Please note, our objective is not to get you married. It is to get you open.)

In summary, the 9 Agreements training instills a greater sense of encouragement, peace, balance, and accountability - all of which lead to the life and relationships you want.  

Dates & Locations / testimonials / 9 Agreements / Info / Mailing List

Host a Workshop

For information on hosting a 1 day, or 2 day, “9 Agreements” workshop, contact Narelle:


After 20 years of trying to resolve marital and family issues, including 10 years of counseling and other programs we have finally realized the breakthroughs we’ve been seeking.
— Kathleen B.
I am getting married on July 3!!!! We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other and I think we have pretty realistic expectations. ...I appreciate all that I have learned from you and the others in the classes. It has helped me in so many ways to have a healthy relationship for the first time ever! Want to hear the funniest thing. Chris (my fiancée) and I both attended the same “9 Agreements” workshop in Park City...and didn’t even notice each other!
— L.H.
As a mental health professional…. I have been exposed to countless hours of training in literally hundreds of presentations by speakers at all different levels. Few have been as successful at reaching the audience as John Canaan.
— Jim Hess, Garfield Mental Health Center (Program Director)
I feel like I finally have a map.
— Neil A.
I have read hundreds of books on relationships and attended countless workshops. Nothing has touched my heart so deeply, or affected my relationships so completely as John Canaan’s 2 Day Workshop.
— Kathy
John Canaan’s “9 Agreements” workshop is a refreshing, helpful and honest approach to healthy relationships.
— Dr. Shondell Knowlton (Marriage and Family Counselor)
John’s simple agreements will help you focus on what truly matters in creating positive relationships with others and with yourself.
— Cindy Christensen, M.S., Marriage, Family, and Human Development BYU-Salt Lake Center
John is the most gifted facilitator I have ever seen.
— Randy Jacobs (former "LifeSpring" operations manager)
After several challenging relationships and much counseling, I’m very excited and encouraged with the immediate progress accomplished through John Canaan’s coaching and materials for couples. I strongly recommend any couple committed to healing and improving their relationship, no matter what your situation, to get involved with this program. I promise that it will be an immeasurable blessing.
— M.H.
I wish I would have come to this workshop sooner. If I had known a few months ago what I know today, my last relationship would have turned out completely different.
— Jenny Pearson
John, I loved your workshop! I am even more in love with my life today than before I took your workshop. Thank you so much.
— M. Walker, Licensed Family Therapist
In my opinion, the S.T.R.M. workshop is a tremendously effective resource for getting life and relationships right.
— Colleen T, M.B.A., M.Ed
I can’t tell you what an impact the seminar had on me. I really haven’t been able to express it to anyone. It was very profound and life changing for me. I feel my life is taking a different direction not only in my dating-thinking but also in how I view my health, those I live with and work with.
— Tiffany J.
Something definitely happened to me on a subconscious level after attending the workshop. Without being fully aware of it, I’ve started making real strides in creating the kind of life I’ve always wanted. I recommend this seminar for everyone, whether they think they have it together or not!
— Algie Powers
I feel like I’ve been changed quite drastically since attending the “9 Agreements” workshop last Saturday. I have been dating a man for 8 months in the MOST unhealthy arrangement you could imagine. Since attending the workshop I feel like I have my life back, I have my dignity back, and I have the “me” that I have missed back. Since my divorce, I’ve sometimes wondered how to conduct my life in a way that will bring me closer to Christ. I have felt, in my own life and the life of some of my single friends, an inclination to handle my needs in a way that lead me away from God, rather than to him. So I begin again in my single life with a new perspective and deep, deep gratitude that I have been touched by these beautiful concepts so early on in my single journey. I think someone loves me very very much.
— Tamara Davis
Hi John:
I attended one of your workshops about a year ago. I just wanted to let you know that I have met and will be married in August to my “A-choice.” I would like to thank you for giving me tools to help me in the dating process. Once again...thank you do such wonderful things in helping singles to realize their potential.
— Lucinda P.
I wanted to thank you again for a truly awesome weekend. You have given me many things to think about and opened doors that I would not.
— D.M.
In attending the “9 Agreements” Conference, I had no clue as to what to expect. After the experience, I feel like I am a new man and ...walk in the newness of life the Savior intended for me again.
For the first time, I feel at peace with my circumstances... When I came to the conference, the light at the end of the tunnel was a pinpoint. Now that light seems much closer. John, thank you for this great work you are doing. I have been on cloud 9 ever since that weekend. I hope to get 4 of my friends to take part in the workshop in August as well as myself.
— CB, Dallas Texas
I attended the 9 Agreements workshop about two years ago. Although it was very frightening for me to attend (as a very shy person who didn’t know anyone there) and to have emotions stirred that had been dormant for a long time - it was an eye-opener in many ways. I thought I had healed from the pain of my divorce and was ready to move on when I took your workshop. I was wrong.

I learned that I would continue to attract different versions of that same man until I dealt with some of my self-esteem issues. I learned that I was not obligated to feel something for every person who claimed to be attracted to me and that I was entitled to make decisions about who to include in my life and to what extent without feeling guilty.

I also learned that I had very low expectations as to what my life could and should be, and although I did not recognize those expectations until I took your workshop, they had become a self-fulfilling prophecy. My feelings about never feeling good enough growing up had attracted a man who would treat me the way I expected to be treated, not knowing any different. The upshot is, I learned that there were many things that I did to contribute to the pain I experienced, and understanding that gave me a feeling of hope and empowerment to make changes. I was able to let go of the betrayal and the hurt that I felt and get on with my life.

As I learned to make better life choices, I felt more confident and empowered. As I associated with people who had similar goals and attributes, I grew stronger. And as I let go of my bitterness and grew closer to the Lord, I felt His forgiveness and His love for me. I met and married a wonderful man a year ago who has brought a great deal of joy to my life. We were married in Timpanogas and have formed a blended family. It has not been easy to tear down the walls I had built to protect myself and to trust again, but it has been possible with a lot of work and prayer.

I want to thank you for helping me to awaken and remember who I was sent to this earth to be. I might have continued in a cycle of attracting people who would treat me in the unfeeling and abusive way I expected to be treated for the rest of my life. Continuing in that cycle might have destroyed me, and in turn, would have hurt those closest to me, particularly my children. Thank you for providing the tools necessary for people like me to get back on their feet.
— Joani
Hi John, Last night I woke up a few times and I felt a warmth in my heart that was wonderfully new. I know the warmth was present because of the things you facilitated for me during the day. The “counter dependence” thing was a “direct hit” and it is so empowering for me to understand how I’ve twisted things just a little in my efforts to be independent and healthy.
— KC
This weekend was an amazing experience for me. ...I feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I know that this is a continual process, but I feel like so many things that I needed to let go of are gone! Who knew!? :) Thank you for making this weekend possible!
— Deb S.
I want you to know the feeling of the spirit of love that I have had these past two weeks (since the workshop)- something I have lost these past few years. Thank You. Every time I discuss this with friends, a feeling of love and peace flows into me again and brings tears to my eyes.
— Dale