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Perfect Peace (Couples Handbook)
“Perfect Peace” is inspired largely by Dr. John Lund, Dr. Harville Hendrix, Marriage Therapist Emil Harker, Dr. Sue Johnson, Alyson Armstrong, Dr. John Gray, and many others who have contributed to the field of successful marriage.
John Lund, in particular, is a big inspiration for me. Dr. Lund gave our world its first view and understanding of “Love Languages.” I have been honored to have had several wonderful visits with John, including his full review of this book.
Additionally, my experience as a marriage coach for the past 20 years has led to many of the suggestions and habits covered in this book.
Your feedback and/or suggestions on this material are immensely appreciated.
Be Still My Soul
These recordings (and chapters) are generally applicable to any sort of turbulence in your soul. Several of them have special application to interpersonal conflicts, including relationship trauma such as divorce, but most of this can apply to any need for peace and stillness of spirit.
Your feedback and/or suggestions on this material are immensely appreciated.