I was walking along the Provo river with Narelle the other day. It had been raining. The water was moving through its course with majesty. It was so beautiful. There were however, little areas of trapped- still water. I was struck by the contrast- the moving water being so awesome and beautiful vs. the still water being sort of incidental and depressed .
Moving water is life. It is continually embracing change- adjusting to each challenge, each new dip in its course, each bolder or fallen tree. Still water however, is neither welcoming anything new nor releasing anything old. Consequently, still water is toxic. It is mosquitoes, bacteria, disease and death.
It’s really such a simple choice: Embrace the opportunity for growth that is currently in front of you, or, bemoan it- joyfully navigate the boulders and fallen trees, or, move off to the side and hide out until conditions improve.
I saw a bumper sticker today, "Achieve or Abandon." So true! To achieve is to keep moving, keep adapting and keep embracing with all the celebration and joy of a running river. If not, then you abandon the joy in the journey; No splashing mists, no crashing sounds of water, no majestic journey of the mighty river of your life- just you, holed up somewhere with a
T. V. dinner, complaining about how things are, sitting it out until the end comes or until the universe magically conforms with your will, whichever happens first.
Don't do this. You are not still water. You are running water. You are embracing every moment of the journey- every part- even the parts you would rather turn and run from.
You are facing into the wind, not running from it. You aren’t just hanging on til the end. (That is the end!) You aren’t muddling along, in a quiet desperation. You are gratefully running head first into whatever hard moment is before you. You are thanking God, with all of your heart for the very boulders, fallen trees and dips that could have otherwise caused you to pull over and die. No! Keep going!
Face into the opportunities of growth and service that are before you. You are running water. The magic of your life, the joy we hear in your forward movement is the singularity of your commitment to choose the opportunity of growth that is before you, whatever it is.
Agreement 8: I will choose the path of greatest opportunity. I will face my willingness and my gratitude into the hard part of the journey.
For Mastery Students, click here for Agreement 8 Homework