Your Life is a Boat


I took up sailing recently. Narelle joined me a few times, but was hesitant based on my first sailing adventure with her in Fiji several years ago. I convinced Narelle that being raised in San Diego, I was an expert sailor. I might have overstated this a bit, since I’d only sailed once before.

What ultimately convinced her to join me in Fiji was telling her that I WAS Kevin Costner and this was our “Message in a Bottle” romantic moment.

Anyway, things were going pretty well in Fiji on the catamaran until I failed to notice the warning buoys marking a clear “no entrance” zone, leading to the coral reefs. We were heading straight into it. I think it was unnerving for Narelle when an employee from the resort came speeding up to us on his motorboat screaming for us to turn back.

My experience this year has been much better, but not just because of how fun sailing is.

While on the boat I noticed some striking parallels between my life (probably your life too) & the boat.



The rudder sets my destination. It’s my goals- what I see for my life and pointing myself in that direction i.e. health, a happy marriage & family, specific career goals etc.

The wind represents unchanging principles. For example as I exercise more, my blood pressure decreases. As I spend more time planning, I tend to get more done in a day. In deeper realms, as I treat others as I wish to be treated I enjoy my relationships more.

If I’m right with these principles- if I’m in line with how things work, then God fills my sails with grace and energy & off I go toward my goals. If I get slack or inconsistent, at the wrong angle with the wind, I lose momentum.



The part of the boat that strikes me the most is the keel (or “dagger” as it’s called on little boats). The keel represents my habits. Sunk deep in the water beneath the boat, the keel (my habits, my consistent application of correct principles) keeps me on a straight path forward.

Without the keel (without my habits sunk deep into my life), even though my hand is on the rudder (even though my goals are clear), I end up getting pushed sideways.

This can lead to some good news: Our tendency to get blown around in circles can draw us together, to strengthen each other’s course- to cheer each other on.. As many have observed, like geese, we simply fly better, together- much better.

I know this has been true with me. I work so much better with team support & a sense of accountability. Without this, I end up as they say in sailing, “dead in the water”, & my sails (my life) “flapping in the wind.”

This is what I’ve taken away from my sailing adventures:

*The boat is you.

*The rudder is your goals- where you’re trying to go.

*The angle you get yourself with the wind (harnessing the power of the wind) are the principles you live by.

*The keel is your habits (your DAILY application of these principles).

Narelle & I would love to support you in living the principles and creating the habits that lead to what you see for your life. Let’s sail together!