Lately, with all the rainstorms and heavy winds up where I live, my car seems continually prone to looking a little dirty, and not up to his usual beaming self.
What's worse is taking it through the car wash seems to be a signal to the heavens to make sure it rains that night.
Without noticing it as it happens, our thinking and feelings get hit with some storms too and before we know it we're a mess. Time to run our self through the wash.
What are the options?
Sometimes we need to pay the extra money for a super wash, with all the bells and whistles i.e. Learning to walk on fire with Tony Robbins, a trip to India to visit one of your favorite yogi masters, a 10 day fast, or the “Sending the Right Message” 2-day Breakthrough workshop with the Canaans! etc. All this is wonderful.
But I believe there is something much more important than even these often life changing events; it is called “daily.”
I have this little blue microfiber cloth I keep in my car. As I pulled up to my coaching office, I noticed my car was looking weather worn again. I was about 30 minutes early before my client would arrive. I put some water on my micro fiber and started washing, beginning at the windshield.. I went for a few minutes and then walked into my office, completely rinsed out the rag and then went back to the car. My car didn't look much better at first, but trip after trip to the sink (about a 20 minute process), with just one little rag, I couldn't believe it - In side and out it looked like my little Subaru had spent some time at the detailer!
What occurred to me is that the big results we want occur in consequence of repeated, consistent steps- that the single mindedness and peace we long for, doesn't usually happen in a moment, or at a workshop, or in India or even at a church meeting. These kinds of resources are huge. I recently attended an advanced consciousness training. I go to 3 hours of church every Sunday. I believe in big resources. What I'm saying is that what we need, especially spiritually, we need daily, and if we will "rinse and repeat", layer by layer, breakthrough by breakthrough, grace by grace, God will be able to get us looking, on the inside, like my Subaru ended up looking on the outside.
I don't think there is a better image of our need for daily rinsing than the image of the children of Israel and Manna.
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