Couples GPS Mastery
Starts Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 (7PM)
Meetings are online (zoom information provided with registration). 7PM to 8:30PM every Tuesday for 10 weeks.
Register toward the bottom of this page.
Click here for helpful reading (especially if you haven’t attended the “9 Agreements” workshop).
Escape Velocity
Creating escape velocity- lifting off toward something more and different than what you’re used to requires support, innovation, tons of positive energy, coaching, weekly re-commitment, accountability, a celebration of success and more.
It takes Mastery!
Here’s How We Guarantee Results
1) 10 weeks of class training and group coaching.
2) Weekly "Success & Accountability, Buddy System.”
3) Empowering Homework Opportunities that you can take on at whatever level feels right for you (light, medium or deep). The homework creates a real life experience with the 9 agreements & CGPS habits, creating lasting change in your marriage and your life.
4) A library of recommended books, videos and recordings, including the “9 Agreements” online book.
5) Our one of a kind Online Breakthrough Book & mp3 files to get into a completely different space, regarding relationship issues &/or mental blocks.
6) Bonus training - (Date: TBA) “Couples GPS Highlights” & “How to use our Breakthrough book & recordings.
7) Our amazing CGPS “App” (online handbook) - perfect for instant access on your phone, allowing you to consistently navigate your marriage and life into safe and loving harbors.
The first night is super important. If there's any chance you can't make it please let us know ASAP so we can make an alternate plan for your orientation.
CGPS Mastery Registration
🔵 New Participant Price - $497 (Lifetime registration)
🔵 Dave Watson Group Discount - $197 per person
🔵 Returning Mastery Participant - $97 per person
Payment Options
💚 Venmo Narelle Canaan (Last 4 digits of Narelle’s phone - 8212)
💚 Your bank mobile app, using “Zelle” (send to: - 801 548 8212).
Please click your payment method in the drop down below so we can know where to look. Thanks!
CGPS Mastery - Prep
1) Get zoom on your phones, laptop or desktop. Optimally, it’s best for each participant to be on his or her own device. But if you need to, please feel free to share a device.
2) Watch the video below after reading the caption below it.
Consider what could happen in your life if you were to hold your attention on 1 to 3 goals for 10 weeks. Couples GPS Mastery is an amazingly effective support for staying on the path that leads to what you actually want- in your marriage and in your life .