Church is Tough for Me
During Covid days, I’ve been really enjoying NOT going to church. I’ve actually LOVED it. This has caused me, to some degree, to review why I’m going and whether I’m willing to continue my membership in the church.
This morning, as I read what I copied and pasted below (from my "Come Follow Me" manual), I so got it. My son Geoffrey shared this concept with me once from the book “Planted” but I got it today at such a deep level.
As much as I don’t enjoy church that much, I can’t deny the singular opportunity to serve that comes in organized religion, especially in my church (LDS), where, instead of choosing our favorite church in town, we are "planted” in a specific neighborhood to serve members of our “ward.”
It’s relatively easy to send money to orphanages in Zambia, or even to do a yearly visit to Zambia, but God has planted me in a ward with all sorts of people- many of whom I might naturally avoid.
But here we all are, trying to look after each other, even when we don’t feel like it, trying to be there for each other.
Escaping the John Canaan Show
Someone might be lonely or depressed, or need encouragement, or even food!- or, even worse, maybe my Bishop assigns me, specifically to look after the most obnoxious person in the ward- that one person everyone avoids. Perfect. What treasures await? Compassion, tolerance, understanding, and perhaps escaping the monotony of the ongoing, daily, John Canaan show.
Even as I write this I’m feeling so grateful for being a part of organized religion, or in other words, organized love. No doubt, there’s endless good that can happen without any organization.
But just like a person who wants start exercising would do well to get a membership in a gym, I’m thankful I’ve got a membership in a love, service and spirituality gym and because of that I’ll probably be working out more than I might have normally.
"Come Follow Me" quote
"Yes, the journey back to Heavenly Father is personal and individual, …but that doesn’t mean we are alone. We need each other! ...we covenant to serve God by …serving one another along the way, “bearing one another’s burdens.” Alma’s people definitely had burdens to bear, just as we all do. And one way the Lord helps us “bear up [our] burdens with ease” is by giving us a community… who have promised to mourn with us and comfort us, just as we have promised to do for them.”
This video paints the picture.