The Way


Celestial Kingdom or Bust
I had a long conversation with a very close friend last night. She brought up something that she’s brought up once in a while through the years- that she felt bad that because I'm a member of the LDS church, my view of her is that I won't see her in the next life cause she won't be in the Celestial kingdom.

I don't look at things like that.
How I actually do look at things is even worse:

1) To the degree that a person (any person with any belief) yields to his higher instincts- his sense of what he feels is good or right, then his field of light and vision will increase.

By doing even what he suspects is the best thing, he will be able to perceive more truths, sense even more opportunities to do good, and see more of the path that leads to happiness (whatever the path looks like).

2) To the degree that a person goes against his own higher sense- his field of vision and understanding becomes more narrow- until he or she understands very little of the principles that lead to happiness, and instead, will tend to stew in stories of injustice, hopelessness and bitterness- eventually reaching a point of no return.

This is, in my mind, is the road to hell- "hell" meaning a state of regret, sadness or negativity that starts in this life and continues into the next.

Religion, in this view, is not a cause, but is a result.

In other words, it doesn't matter what religion a person is or what he believes- it matters that he's willing to tell himself the truth (as far as he or she can sense what that is) and then proactively respond to that truth (to whole heatedly go with his own good sense of what the best road is).

1) I sense that eating whole foods will raise the level of my energy. What's my choice?
2) I sense that I am needed- even called to action (i.e. the Bishop's store house, Underground Railroad, Black Lives Matter, or even rescuing a widow neighbor from loneliness. Will I answer the call, or figure out a way to justify ignoring it).
3) I feel somewhat unsettled that I haven't fully tried to understand someone's point of view- that I've been closed or stuck in being "right." How willing am I to let go of being right in favor of increasing in understanding and compassion?

The Way
Answering the call of our higher sense of things is what I call "the way" and has nothing to do with religion (other than being a Mandalorian).

Traveling "the way", all good things eventually manifest for all people. So, IF it is true that God launched His church in 1830, people will find their way to this at some point. If it's not true, that's great. It doesn't matter. What matters isn't so much whether "the church" is true- What matters is whether I am true, or you are true.

Principles & Practices vs. Religion
True principles don't belong to the church. The church belongs to truth. The church isn't the truth. It is a part of the truth- truth that is rampant and evident through the earth, in almost all religions and so many philosophies.

Why is this all "even worse" than my friend’s assertion? Because in this view, we are each up against our negative, self-justifying, compromising selves, with no protection other than our own willingness to choose well. There's no ticket to paradise. Religion does not secure you property in heaven. There is no property. There is only choice.

Conscience & Instincts vs. Impulses
Heaven is the direct result of consistently living your conscience- not your impulses, not your rationalizations- but of passionately living your vision- your built-in drive to contribute all you can and to show up as the very best version of yourself - to give your very best, like this guy did (below).

P.S. Dec. 30, 2020 - intuition vs. feelings

Finding “The Way” without Religion
Just finished talking with someone very dear to me who has “dis identified” (as he puts it) with the church the past year or so, but felt he could still find “the way” without religion.

There is something noteworthy in this: Without any exception, everyone I know who’s path veers away from their religion also veers further away from “the way.” This doesn’t need to be. It just usually is.

The reason for this, in my view, is that they have either lost their heart for the big picture of happiness that’s possible and/or they’ve given up the will to continue in the principles and disciplines that lead to it.

You Get What You Pay For
I believe when we entered this earth, the last thing that was said to us was probably “Remember, above all, you get what you pay for” - in marriage, in health, in spirituality, in profession. This is always true. Even “getting” the grace of God in our lives requires paying our humility, paying our willingness and “paying” the time and attention required to avail ourselves to it. So even Grace has a price.

Iron Rod
Here’s the secret, as I shared with this beloved friend today: Your feelings are not your master. Even “I’m not sure If I even want this level of happiness” is a feeling.

The universal image of the iron road mentioned in scripture (the way that leads to happiness) and the mist of darkness that shrouds our path is infinitely meaningful.

No matter what you’re feeling in the mist, hold on the iron road (high principles and practices). Go with your instincts, not your feelings. Get to where the real you is trying to get to, not the temporary you lost in the mist.

Choose with Open Eyes
In the end we will all choose our level of happiness, creativity, contribution and consciousness. My advice to my friends is: choose with open eyes, meaning, tell yourself the truth about what you even suspect works and what doesn’t.

This is the price of happiness- telling yourself the truth and going with your instincts, and you get what you pay for.

I think at some level we all wish that wasn’t true, but it is. It is the greatest and the worst news in eternity and existence.

Extra Notes

This scripture, in particular, has guided my vision of how the universe works (“The Way”):

Alma 12:10-11 ...he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word (less light and truth); and he that will not harden his heart (who will lean into his highest instinct), to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full.

And they that will harden their hearts (go against their own good sense), to them is given the less...until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell. (italics added)

”The Way” - Application to organized religion

Here’s an exercise that could serve you.

Regardless of your specific beliefs about God, Jesus, Heaven, scripture, prophecy etc., consider the possibilities in organized religion, but this, time- rather that with resistance, with an open mind and heart. What good might be possible inside the following? Just ask, and be present to your own discernment. See what you feel.

  • Meeting with others, regularly, to receive and provide encouragement. As Joel Osteen so simply puts, “we fly better as a flock.”

  • Reaching out to specific people (ministering) in your own neighborhood, on a regular basis, to discover unique ways to bless their life and unique abilities in yourself.

  • Being part of a neighborhood family (a “ward” or congregation) filled with judgmental or insane people (just like you) where you can heal your tendency to judge- turning your heart directly into people you’d rather run from. What could be the benefit?

  • Food storage, against future disasters.

  • Genealogy and creating a vast sense of continuity with respect to your family and your identity.

  • Health codes i.e. no alcohol and smoking. What could a support group that holds this value offer you or your children?

  • A code of chastity. Again, what could a support group that holds this value offer you? What could the result of this support be in your children’s lives?