““Over the years, I have observed that those who accomplish the most in this world are those with a vision for their lives, with goals to keep them focused on their vision and tactical plans for how to achieve them. Knowing where you are going and how you expect to get there can bring meaning, purpose, and accomplishment to life.”
You will tend to live in a random, reactive life and end up going around in circles, or you will get serious about a spending significant amount of time in yearly, monthly, weekly and daily planning sessions.
Planning (The Right Questions):
1) What are my top goals (what I see for my life)?
According to Bredon Burchard, this tends to divide into 3 areas:
a) What kind of person do I want to be- what kind of character do I want to develop?
b) What kind of relationships do I want to have? and
c) What contributions do I want to make in this world?
2) Are these really my goals?
Any Pudicombe suggests that this is a huge question. Do you wonder why you’re hesitate to do anything toward that one goal of yours? Often, it’s because you don’t really want it.
3) Within my goals, what are my current top 1 to 3 projects- projects that, if completed, will significantly move me toward the visions described above?
According to Sean Covey, your willingness to deeply focus on 1 to 3 projects (not 10), minimizing your commitments to the other projects, for now is the number one element of success toward your life visions.
“Being willing to hibernate some projects (even some awesome ones) is the oxygen your key projects require to live and thrive.” - Yoda
So little time. So Many Projects.
“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have done.” - Steve Jobs
Examples of projects within goals:
a) Within my goal of being a loving, present, husband (father could be: Create a family reunion in December.
b) Within my goal (or life vision) of assisting citizens of the world toward greater health and vitality could be: Create the world’s best collection of organic recipes ever.
3) As I look at these top projects what are the most important actions, right now?
Daily: What 3 actions could I complete today that would move me forward on this?
Weekly: What are the most important goals, this week, that would move me forward?
Monthly planning: Same question.
Yearly planning: Same question.
4) What specific actions could I put directly in my Google Calendar and when?- including blocks time for the essential dimensions of creating my visions, which are (according to Brendon):
Sharpen the saw time (A-Choice Routine)
Family Time
Creative Time and
Big Action Time (the big, juicy actions that will move your goal forward)
Free Time (Down time. Regenerate)
How am I doing?
At the end of each day, ask yourself “How am I doing?”
If, each day, your lists just keep getting longer consider these questions:
1) Are you putting actions in a step by step list for today, or even better, directly in your google calendar? (or just leaving them stranded in your different, project lists)
2) Are you letting less important things get in the way of important actions?
3) Are you willing to archive some projects that others may live?
4) Are you willing to take the extra and sometimes agonizing time to delegate, train and empower others? (This is often the big key).
Time Management
Guiding Principles & Practices
Planning first. Action 2nd. Carpenter’s rule: “Measure twice, cut once”
Be prayerful. Be inspired. Ask for God's guidance. Time spent in prayer doubles the effectiveness of time in action.
Meditate on the why. Think of the people who need your inspiration, your smile, your commitment to excellence, and your love. Think of how you'll feel when it's over- as you look back with contentment and gratitude for the opportunity to come through for them, for yourself and for God.
Make decisions vs. gathering clutter in your mind, your email inbox, your car, your kitchen counter, garage, desktop, anywhere and everywhere. Life is continually coming at you with decisions to make. Make them, or get cluttered to death.
Park planned actions in appropriate lists i.e. “inbox” (when on the run), then "project 1", "project 2", or if it’s daily, in your habit tracker etc. (including at least tentative due dates) and finally in “next action” and/or calendar. By managing from these lists (vs. your head) you will be amazed at how good it feels to be, as David Allen puts it, “appropriately engaged (in the present).”
Break goals (visions) down into small, bite sized actions. Dr. John DeMartini says that the number one cause of loss of energy is that our actions are not broken down into small enough pieces.
David Allen’s 2 minute rule: If you can get something significant done in 2 minutes just do it! (vs. forwarding it or reprioritizing it). Bypass your planner. Bypass your google calendar.
Put first things first and get into high leverage action - As Mel Robbins says, grab yourself by the shirt and force yourself away from secondary distractions and on to the key actions that lead to what you want. Work like there’s no tomorrow- like this is it, which leads to…
Block time for projects and key actions in your google calendar.
Be satisfied and trusting with “one thing at a time.” God has your back for tomorrow. He has your back for 5 minutes from now. Live in the present. Focus on this one thing, that is right now, and then the next. “All is well!"
Be willing to delegate (i.e. your children, co-workers, employees etc.) even if means hiring someone. Stephen Covey once said that even if he was at his office for only 2 hours during a work day, he would spend 30 minutes of that time training and empowering his assistant.
Return to and stay present to your lists and calendar.
Build trust with your brain. "Wow, he IS coming back to those lists and to his calendar. I won't have to keep reminding him over and over."
In all of the above, remember that success awaits those who are consistent- not just those that are more talented, or better looking, or smarter etc.- no! Success awaits the consistent.
The only thing that can keep you from your objective is getting off the path that leads to it.
Stay on the path. Keep your eye on your visions (your goals). In your willingness to serve on this planet and with God as your partner, endless good things are possible through you.