A Little Light for a Struggling World
This wonderful “Love Note” (as my wife puts it) came to Michael McLean over 40 years ago (about 1980). This song has touched millions of hearts throughout the world.
About 4 years ago a friend of mine (I’ll call Mark) went down a dark road (so to speak) and experienced some very trying times (to say the least). Shortly after things came to a head- coming very close to losing his family, he heard a voice in his mind- calling him by name- “Mark- two things: First, everything is going to be O.K. Just put one foot in front of the other. Second- Keep looking at my face.”
Recently I’d been thinking again about what God distilled in my friend Mark’s heart and while meditating on David Tolk’s instrumental, “Blessings”, realized that Mark’s journey was also my journey (and perhaps many of yours).
Who of us hasn’t found themselves down a dark and lonely path? Suddenly, as the lyrics below started pouring out onto some post its I had nearby, I felt myself on the road described below and also felt and feel the tender mercy of my Savior, asking me to “just keep looking at His Face.”
These lyrics are a reminder that the very moment we turn to God, any doubt or darkness we might have chosen- any wall we may have built between us, disappears inside His love and mercy (His “face").