Nightly Check In
This recording is for reviewing and assessing your day, while at the same time, getting to know and support each other better.
As you listen to the questions, either of you could pause on any you want to answer. This may end up being 1, 2 or 3 of them, or all of them. The person listening can, if inspired, ask for more i.e. “Tell me more about___.”
Note that if you’d like to stay happily married, question 10 should be treated delicately and the response should be gentle, gracious, and ideally, affirmative - meaning, something very specific you’d like your spouse to do, verses something you want him to not do.
1) What was the best part of the day?
2) What did you learn today, or did you have any breakthroughs?
3) What went well for you today? How or why
4) What didn’t go well today or what do you wish you would have done differently?
5) What’s something you’ve been thinking about today and why? (See #10 if this is about us).
6) What’s something missing from your life right now? What do you sense you could do about it?
7) What’s something you’re grateful for, appreciate, or like about me, yourself, or anything?
8) What’s one of your biggest challenges right now and what are you learning from this? (See #10 if this is about us).
9) What are you not seeing about how God is trying to bless you and how you might be blocking Him? If you’re sensing something, please start your answer with, what I’m not seeing is… and then whatever comes to you.
Ten. Do you have a specific request you’d like to make tonight, either of yourself or of me? (If it’s a request for me, please go right to the specific request, verses a lot of back story or criticizm).