How Couples GPS works
1) Choosing Into Each Step or Assignment
Hugely important rule, going forward: Mark as complete whatever step or assignment you a) complete or b) feel you’ve already accomplished or c) both feel doesn’t apply.
2) Striking a Balance
You can take as long as you need with each CGPS "phase" and/or course assignments. Our meetings, in part, are to provide guidance and encouragement with each step.
Sometimes, however (especially if all hell has been breaking loose), we’ll need a zoom call here and there just to work out solutions for currently volatile issues. Finding the balance here is the key. If there's always a fire, how are we going to do any reconstruction? If there's always a flood, when do we take the time for swimming lessons? If (as you'll read below), you're continually trying to saw down the trees of your couple challenges, when do you sharpen the saw?
Going forward, please feel free to guide me as we attempt to find the best balance.
Dig Into the Course Action Steps the Best You Can in between meetings. Whatever work you're willing to do in between meetings cuts down on the time needed for training- giving us more time for problem solving during the meetings. But whatever balance works for you is awesome.
Take Advantage of Your Amazing Pit Stop Crew (me)
3) Feel free to text me anytime about anything
i.e. questions, being stuck on something, discouragement, little victories, complaints... anything. My job, as long as you're in coaching, is pit stop crew. I'm thrilled to do it. I may not get right back to you on texts but I will respond as soon as possible.
4) Supercharge your results by responding to the “Friday Check-In”
A huge benefit of coaching is having someone to check-in with. Every Friday I will send you brief questionnaire. It will take you about 60 seconds, but just this one action can create amazing consistency and motivation.