How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!
This list is from the Love Nudge app - a brilliant product we recommend taking a look at.
Note: Listing and talking about your favorite actions will not insuring your spouse will actually do them. However, it can be a gentle "nudge" in the right direction. Going forward (after this exercise), remember to encourage any and everything your spouse does that's even close to what you value.
Click here to return to Your Wish is My Command, which this list is part of.
Note: "Important to avoid" can be super helpful in assisting your spouse in not depleting his emotional bank account with you, or as Gary Chapman puts it, in not emptying your "Love Bucket." Example: "Criticism, sarcasm, silent treatment, physically avoiding me etc."
Acts of Service
Make the bed
Help with errands
Walk the dog
Watch the kids
Take out trash
Make dinner
Fold and put away laundry
Clean out car
Get groceries
Get groceries together
Clean bathroom
Empty dishwasher
Let partner sleep in
Pack partner's lunch
Mow lawn
Fill car up with gas
Breakfast in bed
Pick up Dry Cleaning
Do the worst chore
Important to avoid
Important to avoid (5 being most important)
Quality Time
Road trip
Go to bed at the same time
Volunteer for something together
Watch the game together
Read a book together
Movie night
Time without phones
Distraction free listening
Go see a play
Coordinate lunch breaks
Take a class together
Run errands together
Go to a sporting event
Get lunch together
Board game, cards, or video game
Bike Ride
Try a new restaurant
Important to avoid (5 being most important)
Homemade gift
Surprise gift
Create coupon book
Gift card
"Chore Free Day" card
Surprise with lunch
"Kids Free Day" card
Surprise love note
Surprise gift or card under pillow
Surprise flowers
Surprise event tickets
Gift at work
Important to avoid (5 being most important)
Physical Touch
Hold hands
Sit close
Look into each other's eyes for a while
Hold face in hands
Hand on knee while driving
Touch arm
Touch shoulder
Stoke or brush hair
Put your arm(s) around
Initiate sex
Rest head on shoulder
Surprise hug
Long hug
Play footsie
Cuddle on couch
Rest hand on back
Important to avoid (5 being most important)
Words of Affirmation
Compliment outfit
Encouraging text
Secret love not
Say "I Love You"
Thank you for working hard
Compliment cooking
Praise &/or celebrate effort, not just results
Call to say goodnight
Send flowers with a note
Stay in touch while traveling
Verbalize things you appreciate
Compliment on social media
Give card for no reason
Say "I'm proud of you for __"
Encourage to try again
Compliment in group setting
Thank for everyday things
Important to avoid (5 being most important)