
A Step-by-Step Meditation for Personal Conundrum, Frustration or Feeling Stuck.

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The recording below is with Sophia (A.I.). There’s also a recording of the original version with my voice below Sophia. For extra depth & results, talk to, involve, and thank God in and through every step, as inspired. Please let me know your thoughts on either recording.

10-Step Breakthrough (Text & Notes)

This 10-step breakthrough combines elements of the Sedona Method with Hale Dwoskin, Jo Dispensa (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself), Harry Palmer’s (Avatar), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Inner Family System, Quantum physics and Holy Scripture to assist you in moving from upset, discouragement or protectiveness, (or any negative emotions or tendencies) to an open heart, clearer intentions and increased motivation.

Step 1) Identify an unwanted or negative feeling or tendency.

This could be anything that’s coming to you right now, or, if you’re struggling to identify your subject line, see possibilities listed below.

  • I don’t like it that __________

  • I don't like how something or someone is & I'm resisting it (or to some degree, having a fit).

  • I’m overwhelmed. There’s too much to do and I can't get it done.

  • I don’t have enough ___________ i.e. money, time, support etc. I never will, or, I miss (or I'm missing)_________ (someone or something).

  • I’m afraid of (or that)________________ (i.e. I'm a failure, I’m going to die young and/or alone etc.)

  • I’m afraid about something that might or could happen in the future (whatever you have in mind).

  • I live in deep regret and/or I can’t forgive myself.

  • Personal character flaw, weakness or tendency i.e. short fuse, stubborn, self-absorbed, defensive, jealous, in my victim story, helpless, shut-down, controlling, competitive, judgmental, addicted etc.

Please pause the recording until you’ve identified your subject line.

Step 2) Fully acknowledge feeling or tendency (whatever it is you’ve been experiencing).

Don’t try to push it away. Don’t pretend it’s not there. Don’t wish it didn’t exist. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Just fully acknowledge this unwanted feeling or negative belief or tendency.

Please take some time here- allowing yourself to get completely present to this thought, …this feeling or tendency that’s been hard for you, or that may not be serving you… and your resistance to it (meaning, your desire for it to go away or your sense of shame about it).

Please pause the recording at anytime during this breakthrough to take whatever time you’d like on each question.

Step 3) Thank God for the possibility in this feeling or tendency.

Anything similar to this…

“Father in Heaven, thank you so much for the growth …and refinement that can come from… __________________________ (fill in the blank)

…and my resistance to it)- and that through all of this, you can make weak things strong in me and bring me home to you (to the peace and happiness that you are).”

Stay in prayer and meditation on this for a few moments until you can genuinely feel grateful for the growth that can come from this challenging feeling or tendency.

You can pause the recording, or if you’re ready, go on to the next step.

Step 4) Ask, “Is it possible that this part of me (this feeling, belief or tendency) is not me?”

...not the whole and real me- not the best of me, and certainly not the me that is a child of God.

“Yes” or “No.” Either answer is perfect.

Understanding this question: It’s easy to identify with what you’re feeling, e.g., “I’m angry,” “I’m lonely,” or “I’m so selfish sometimes or thoughtless.” But you are not your feelings or negative self-concept. Getting in touch with this is an important part of breaking through the fog you can sometimes be in.

Step 5) “What’s Underneath?”

Step 5 is based on the premise that we tend to dwell on or even create smaller issues or upsets as a way of protecting, or distracting ourselves from deeper ones.

Ask yourself, Is there anything deeper (something more primal), sort of hiding beneath whatever it is you’re working through in this meditation?

For example,

1. Could what’s underneath this be related to my fear of not being good enough, successful enough, or attractive enough to be fully accepted and loved?

2. Or, could this be about a need to maintain emotional distance- to keep my self from fully loving someone, just to be rejected by him or somehow lose him or her later.

3. Or finally, could this issue be a way of distracting myself from my fear of the ultimate disappointment - which is that even if everything goes my way and I have what I want, I might still feel empty.

Note that none of the above may be applicable to what you’re working on. On the other hand, all of them could be.

The main idea of Step 5 is a reminder that sometimes it hurts in a different place than we think.

Take a couple of deep breaths and see if anything comes up for you, either related to the examples above or just anything else that might be coming to you.

Continuing with this breakthrough meditation, you could either stay with your original subject line, or add to it or even replace it.

If you need to, you could pause the recording to decide - or just keep the recording going.

Step 6) Consider Letting Go

By now you may have shifted to or added a new or even deeper undesired thought or belief or tendency, or you may still be focusing on just the original subject line.

In either case, please ask, Now that you have fully acknowledged this feeling, belief or tendency, including a part of you that’s trying to protect you from risk, loss or rejection- perhaps you could, to some degree, just let it all go; the thought or belief or tendency- …including your resistance- your push against it all- your desire for it to all go away or your shame about it. I’m not asking you to let it go, but do you think you could, to at least some degree, just let it go?

Is that possible?

Any answer is perfect here.

Step 7) Let Go

Part 1: Invitation. Ask, “Will you let this go?” (the unwanted thought, belief, feeling, or tendency and all the resistance around it). Any answer is perfect.

Step 7) Part 2: Apology. There's something very peaceful in apology. By simply saying "I'm sorry" we seem to unravel the shame, …the defensiveness, …the stories …and resistance that have been holding our current reality together.

Apologizing to God for showing up on earth in the way that we do tends to release all the energy you’re spending blaming others for it, or justifying it and creates an opening for change.

Here's an example of the kind of apology you may want to offer: …

Heavenly Father, to some degree (maybe even a very big degree) I've chosen thoughts or beliefs and habits that haven’t been working out for me, and have caused me to show up in my life as (fill in the blank).

…whatever comes to you, including your subject line, or any of these: fearful, jealous, self-absorbed, controlling, shut-down, defensive, in my victim story, helpless, unforgiven, unforgiving…

Further, without meaning to, I’ve tried to protect myself from loss, shame, rejection and isolation. But my efforts to protect myself from pain have only resulted in protecting myself from you.

Please forgive me for pushing away the success, love, intimacy, joy, and abundance you're trying to bless me with. Forgive me for refusing (to some degree) to see who I am to you, ****and what you’re trying to make of me.

I get it now, that I’m the one who continues to cause my world. I choose my thoughts, my beliefs, my habits, and patterns. It’s me. It’s always been. No one else.

Thank you for the love and forgiveness I feel from you in this.

Thank you that you're always here, and always have been.

Thank you for healing these thoughts, beliefs and tendencies, and for the opening, even now, you're creating in my heart.

Step 7) Part 3: Surrender.

With your apology complete, ask again, “Will you let this go?” (this thought, belief, feeling or tendency).

With this question in mind, consider, to whatever degree you can, Dr. Joe Dispenza's invitation:

“Surrender your limiting thought, feeling or tendency to God. Simply open the door, give it up, and let go completely. Let Him take your limitation from you."

(The prayer that Joe offers is) 'Infinite God, I give you my… ____________’ (fill in the blank).

Please take it from me, and resolve this emotion or tendency into a greater sense of wisdom and free me from the chains of my past.”

Step 8) Simple Exchange.

Notice that whatever negative thought, belief (or tendency) you’ve been working with and the feeling it’s creating, is loosening. Notice that it’s beginning (all by itself) to thin. - to kind of lose its grip on you and to gently move out into the infinite space in front of you. ****

Notice at the same time*,* the light and love of God, moving through you, from the top of your head, down into your whole soul.

Notice these two things happening at the same time- whatever feeling or thought or belief you’ve been working with, or tendency is all by itself, beginning to loosen and to gently move out into the infinite space in front of you.

And notice at the same time, the light and love and truth of God moving through you. Notice these two things happening at the same time and stay with this for a minute or so.

Notice also, whatever truths or declarations God may already be forming in your mind- often a specific and healing idea or declaration He’s trying to reach you with.

This is a sweet and subtle exchange (your hurting heart- your limiting thoughts or tendencies exchanged for God's love and light).

The secret to this is: Don't try to make the exchange happen. Just notice, instead, that even though it's very subtle, somehow, you can feel that it is happening- that simply because you are open to Him, God is gently moving through your soul, replacing the negative belief or thought or tendency with Himself, and that this is happening all by itself- all that you've held on to, all that hurts- thinning and moving into the infinite space in front of you.

Keep noticing. Stay with this for a little and if your mind wanders from it, just come back to noticing this simple exchange.

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins (your self-destructive thoughts or tendencies) be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. - Isaiah 1:18”

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; …and you shall find rest in your soul. Matthew 11:28

Step 9) Declare a New Reality...

…often, something opposite than what you’ve been currently experiencing.

What are you willing to choose?

What are you willing to cause?

What reality are you feeling to declare?

What’s the truth that God has been trying to get into your heart and life in the last step?

Be open.

What’s the truth about what God is trying to make of you- or what truth (or specific actions) are patiently waiting for your embrace?

For instance: I cause… or… I am … and/or…

“I am willing to or I will ________” or just, “I ___________” … and then a short description of your intentions- what you’re causing in your heart and in your life, or your forthcoming actions.

Stay with this for a bit. What's coming to you?

It can feel awkward sometimes to say it, but in saying it out loud, declaring what you sense could be the truth about you, you are in a very real sense, causing it.

And here’s the secret: Don’t try ****to cause it- Just say it, and let it settle into you all by itself.

You may want to approach this with a prayer in your heart, because in a sense, only God can and does reveal truth- truth that breaks through false beliefs about ourself- beliefs that keep us from happiness.

Be present to His still small voice. See what comes to you.

Ideally, allow and welcome whatever naturally starts to form in your heart and mind. But if nothing’s coming, you could consider some of these…

Down deep, people want to come through for me. I trust this.

I’m grateful for everything, just as it is.

I fully allow people their choice and love them where they are.

I put my attention on and do one thing at a time.

I am enough. I am infinitely loved by an infinite God.

As long as I live, I can give, and as I give, I feel alive and content.

As I turn from self-defeating thoughts and behavior, God heals me. I cast my burdens on Him.

All things are working together for my good. I trust this.

Everyone I have ever loved, I will always love, as they will always love me.

Through the grace of God, I can let go of ________ (whatever isn’t working for you).

…or, whatever you feel to declare.

Please pause the recording to declare a new reality, then go on to Step 10.

Step 10) Turn Resistance to Action

Repeat your mantra or declaration that’s come to you, or that still may be forming in your mind. Say it out loud (ideally) or if you’d like, even in just in your mind - 5 to 20 times.

Notice your resistance to your declaration (to the truth that you’re saying about yourself).

Notice the resistance thinning (like you learned to do in Step 8).

Each time you say the truth you’re declaring about yourself right now, just notice the resistance.

Don’t try to do anything about the resistance, don’t try to sweep it away.

Just allow it, notice and continue to say the truth about who you are and or what you intend.

Stay with this for a bit- continue to repeat your mantra (your declaration).

Don’t feel obligated to whatever declaration came up for you initially. Something even more pointed may be trying to take its place, even now.

Just say that.

Whatever it ends up being, give yourself to it.

That doesn’t mean to syke yourself up.

Just gently give yourself to the the possibility that what you’re declaring is true and be present to what may be growing in your heart.

Pause from time to time to thank God, in advance for all things working toward your good and for whatever you’re declaring already being true in His reality- just waiting for you to embrace it and move into it.

”In my Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you. And I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,… you may be also.”

— - John 14.

Finally, sense what specific action God might be calling you into - (a one-time action and or a repeating habit), that supports your mantra/declaration.

Write these actions down in your planner and/or habit tracker.


Consider what you’re feeling right now, compared to what you were feeling before you started this breakthrough meditation.

Does your heart feel a little bit more open?

Do you feel a little bit more enthusiasm for positive possibilities that could lie ahead?

Great work.