Faith Based, Universal Affirmations - Written Version

The recorded version is for editing content and uses an A.I. Voice. Later versions will be read by me - John

Prelude (Notes & Tips)

  • As you listen to each affirmation, just let it be where it wants to be in you.

  • It may reach you. It may not.

  • Don't try to force it in. This will only drive it away.

  • Don't try to believe it, this will only cast doubt on it.

  • Just be present to each statement.

  • The prophet Alma describes this process as giving place to a potential and suggests that whatever good or true thing we give place to will sprout up, enlighten our understanding, and expand our minds.

  • Note that these affirmations are universal possibilities and that you could add your own personalized affirmations, even if it’s just in your mind as you listen.

  • In either event, continuing with Alma’s insights, as you do feel the expansion he describes, as he says, you’ll want to “nourish it with great care that it may get root.”

  • Remember also that even though affirmations are to affirm the truth of your potential, it’s perhaps more important to affirm specific daily habits or one-time steps leading to these potentials.

  • So, affirm the targets but more importantly, affirm the steps and habits that lead to them by writing down specific actions that may come to you during each listening session.

  • Finally, as you listen, or before, or after, continue giving place to what God wants for you by thanking him in advance for these truths fully manifesting in your life.

Affirmations (All 3 Themes mixed together)

  1. I start strong. stay strong and finish strong.

  2. I am calm and peaceful, full of energy and health, and do first things first.

  3. I measure twice and cut once.

  4. I bring my quiet and presence to my prayer and my prayer into the quiet.

  5. I communicate with love, trust, and 100% accountability.

  6. I eat slowly, with gratitude. I drink a good amount of water, daily.

  7. I feel peace.

  8. I speak peace.

  9. I give peace.

  10. I walk the path of peace.

  11. I spend significant time, every day, refining my goals and prioritizing actions steps.

  12. I trust in God's grace to overcome this world. I have received from Him and will continue to receive a new heart.

  13. Down deep, people want to come through for me. I trust this.

  14. I’m grateful for everything, just as it is.

  15. I fully allow people their choice and love them where they are.

  16. I put my attention on and do one thing at a time.

  17. I am enough. I am infinitely loved by an infinite God.

  18. As long as I live, I can give, and as I give, I feel alive and content.

  19. I am confident and full of faith and vision.

  20. All things are working together for my good. I trust this.

  21. As I turn from self-destructive tendencies, God heals me. I cast my burdens on Him.

  22. Everyone I have ever loved, I will always love, as they will always love me.

  23. God is refining me and bringing me home to Him.

  24. Through the grace of God and Christ, I can let go of all negative tendencies.

  25. I trust forgiveness and in this, feel confident about my path forward.

  26. I am reconciled with the plan of life- the ups and downs, the thrilling vistas and deep valleys and my eventual passing from one side of the veil to the other, into the arms of Jesus to live and love forever.

  27. What I have is enough.

  28. As inspired, I let go of what I think I need so that God can, unblocked by my resistance, bless me with all I actually do need, in every way, every crack and crevice of my soul, deep into the darkness of my illusions.

  29. I embrace my time on earth and I'm going to live joyfully in the present, for every bit of it.

  30. I am kind, gentle and outward focused.

  31. I enjoy peaceful, dynamic, intimate and fun relationships with my family and friends.

  32. In embracing my nothingness my Father in heaven will work his miracles through me.

  33. I am discerning, accepting & trusting.

  34. I am born again- a new creature.

  35. My sole objective is to be an instrument in God’s hands, bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.

  36. My interactions with others are filled with patience and consideration versus panic or cutting people off in conversations. Showing up in this way reflects my objective, which is the glory of God, not my own Glory.

  37. I am sure of God’s love and stay in my own business. I have no need to control others. I need God only. I need integrity. I need and accept continual grace.

  38. I am God’s own child. I am precious, beyond price!

  39. I consistently ask myself how I can serve my loved ones even better.

  40. I travel the course of each day open, present, loving and joyful verses stressed and/or efforting

  41. I speak lovingly and clearly.

  42. I am confident and calm.

  43. I spend significant time each day in my action lists, scheduling, archiving and creating.

  44. I seek to understand, influence and invite, verses control.

  45. I embrace every stage of life - the good times and hard times, the fun and laughter- the tears and grieving. It’s all part of my Father in Heaven’s intention to fully bring me home to Him and I’m thankful for the ride.

  46. The more I serve, the more light I feel inside. This is the reason I do everything I do- to serve.

  47. I bless my loved ones. I am profoundly acquainted with them, to the point of being a primary anchor of self security in their hearts. I pray for them and reach out to them.

  48. God is in my most important relationships. I can feel this. I’m blessed in this.

  49. I patiently, trustingly, carefully and lovingly guide those I love to mutually benefitial relationships. I’m consistently committed for things working for me too.

  50. I do first things first.

  51. I block out time for high priority actions.

  52. As I work each day, I ask myself: “Is what I’m working on right now going to truly increase the quality of life of the people I serve?"

  53. No competition. No limits. As God heals my ego, there are no limits to the good I can be part of.

  54. Naked came I into this world and naked will I leave, except for the love and service I give, and the character this creates..

  55. I am prepared, settled, ready and willing for God to work through me at all times.

  56. I'm consistently present to my key daily habits and actions.

  57. I consistently reprioritize and as needed reschedule actions leading to my goals.

  58. I maintain, contemplate and regularly return to my visions and goals- refining a clear and empowering path toward all I feel inspired to do, create and become.

  59. I do one thing at a time- one issue at a time, one question at a time, one project at a time and one thought at a time. I exercise the faith required to do and think one thing at a time.

  60. There is tremendous peace, energy and happiness in doing one thing at at time.

  61. My loved ones feel comforted in my love, cherished in my adoration, and safe in my perfect acceptance of everything they feel.

  62. When upset, I stop talking and start feeling, breathing and praying instead of dumping my stuff on loved ones.

  63. I live in the here and now.

  64. I celebrate everyone’s right to choose what they will and to experience what they will. It’s my honor and joy.

  65. Every day I’m blessed with countless opportunities to allow people their experience and their choices. It’s an honor for me to respect other people’s choices.

  66. I am safe. In and through the grace of God I am safe from shame and the fear of not being enough.

  67. I bring safety into my own soul and into the hearts of my loved ones and friends.

  68. I create a safe space in and around me for them. I make them feel safe, heard, understood and accepted.

  69. I am peaceful with life. It is safe to see other people's viewpoints.

  70. I am secure with life and with others. I feel safe enough to be flexible in my mind.

  71. With flexibility and ease, I can see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things, I am safe.

  72. I honestly consider how I've created or contributed to every challenging situation or relationship in my life. Because of this, I feel my heart open.

  73. God is assisting me in emptying myself of fear, doubt and self significance and filling me with his love and with a love for all people.

  74. I validate my loved one's thoughts, feelings and beliefs, regardless of my own personal point of view. I hear them. I feel with them and know them, and hope for the same validation from them.

  75. I am quick to forgive- to compassion- to wisdom and understanding.

  76. I care more about my neighbor than I do being a good neighbor. I care more about my spouse than I do about being a good husband or wife. I care more about my kids than I do about being a good father or mother. I care more about the people I serve than I do about being a success.

  77. Heavenly Father is replacing my stoney heart, with a real heart- a warm and loving, compassionate and empathetic heart.

  78. I take negative energy to the Lord. I stop talking and start feeling and breathing instead of dumping my stuff on loved ones. I breathe, feel and neutralize. I am full of peace, joy, happiness and love for all man.

  79. I live in the here and now instead of the future or the past.

  80. I am the complete source and point of decision in accepting God’s grace and entering into fellowship with Him. In this, He can and will work His glory, which glory is the happiness of the human race.

Themes, separated (They are all combined, above)

Theme 1) Goals & Life Mastery

  • I start strong, stay strong and finish strong.

  • I am calm and peaceful, full of energy and health, and do first things first.

  • I eat slowly, with gratitude. I drink a good amount of water, daily.

  • I live principles of health. I feel youthful and am at my optimum weight.

  • I measure twice and cut once.

  • I travel the course of each day open, present, loving and joyful, verses stressed and efforting

  • I am prepared, settled, ready and willing for God to work through me at all times.

  • I spend significant time each day in my action lists - refining my goals and reprioritizing and scheduling my actions.

  • I am careful to limit my goals and projects and am willing to archive or put off some goals so I can fully devote myself to others.

  • I block out time for high priority actions.

  • I'm consistently present to my key daily habits and actions.

  • I seek inspiration in seeing and refining a clear path toward all I feel to do, create and become.

  • I do one thing at a time- one issue at a time, one question at a time, one project at a time and one thought at a time. I exercise the faith required to do and think one thing at a time.

  • There is tremendous peace, energy and happiness in doing one thing at at time.

  • I am confident and full of faith and vision.

  • I am fully present in each action of each day.

  • As I work each day, I ask myself: “Is what I’m working on right now going to truly increase the quality of life of the people I serve?"

  • No competition. No limits. As God heals my ego, there are no limits to the good I can be part of.

  • In embracing my nothingness my Father in heaven will work his miracles through me.


  • I communicate with love, trust, and 100% accountability.

  • Down deep, people want to come through for me. I trust this.

  • Everyone I have ever loved, I will always love, as they will always love me.

  • I fully allow people their choice and love them where they are.

  • Through the grace of God and Christ, I can let go of all negative tendencies.

  • I am kind, gentle and outward focused.

  • I am enough. I am infinitely loved by an infinite God.

  • As long as I live, I can give, and as I give, I feel alive and content.

  • I enjoy peaceful, dynamic, intimate and fun relationships with my family and friends.

  • I am discerning, accepting & trusting.

  • I am present, humble & validating.

  • My interactions with others are filled with patience and consideration versus panic or cutting people off in conversations. Showing up in this way reflects my objective, which is the glory of God- not my own Glory.

  • I am sure of God’s love and stay in my own business. I have no need to control others. I need God only. I need integrity. I need and accept continual grace.

  • I speak lovingly and clearly.

  • I seek to understand, influence and invite, verses control.

  • I bless my loved ones.

  • I am profoundly acquainted with them, to the point of being a primary anchor of self security in their hearts.

  • I pray for them and reach out to them.

  • God is in my most important relationships. I can feel this. I’m blessed in this.

  • I patiently, trustingly, carefully and lovingly guide those I love to mutually benefitial relationships. I’m consistently committed to things working for me too.

  • My loved ones feel comforted in my love, cherished in my adoration, and safe in my perfect acceptance of everything they feel.

  • When upset, I stop talking and start feeling, breathing and praying instead of dumping my stuff on loved ones.

  • I am safe. In and through the grace of God I am safe from shame and the fear of not being enough.

  • I am quick to forgive- to compassion- to wisdom and understanding.

  • I celebrate everyone’s right to choose what they will and to experience what they will. It’s an honor for me to respect other people’s choices.

  • Through my communion with God, I bring safety into my own soul and through this, into the hearts of my loved ones and friends.

  • I create a safe space in and around me for them. I make them feel safe, heard, understood and accepted.

  • It’s safe to see other people's viewpoints.

  • I am secure with life and with others. I feel safe enough to be flexible in my mind.

  • With flexibility and ease, I can see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things.

  • I honestly consider how I've created or contributed to every challenging situation or relationship in my life. Because of this, I feel my heart open.

  • I validate my loved one's thoughts, feelings and beliefs, regardless of my own personal point of view. I hear them. I feel with them and know them, and hope for the same validation from them.

  • I take negative energy to the Lord and trust Him as he helps me make sense of my feelings and breathes peace and joy back into my heart.


  • I bring my quiet and presence to my prayer and my prayer into the quiet.

  • I trust in God's grace to overcome this world. I have received from Him and will continue to receive a new heart.

  • I feel peace.

  • I speak peace.

  • I give peace.

  • I walk the path of peace.

  • I’m grateful for everything, just as it is.

  • I consistently ask myself how I can serve my loved ones even better.

  • All things are working together for my good. I trust this.

  • As I turn from self-destructive tendencies, God heals me. I cast my burdens on Him.

  • God is refining me and bringing me home to Him.

  • I trust forgiveness and in this, feel confident about my path forward.

  • I am reconciled with the plan of life- the ups and downs, the thrilling vistas and deep valleys and my eventual passing from one side of the veil to the other, into the arms of Jesus to live and love forever.

  • What I have is enough.

  • As inspired, I let go of what I think I need so that God can, unblocked by my resistance, bless me with all I actually do need, in every way, every crack and crevice of my soul, deep into the darkness of my illusions.

  • I embrace my time on earth and I'm going to live joyfully in the present, for every bit of it.

  • I am born again- a new creature. My sole objective is to be an instrument in God’s hands, bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.

  • I am God’s own child. I am precious, beyond price!

  • The more I serve, the more light I feel inside. This is the reason I do everything I do - to serve.

  • I embrace every stage of life - the good times and hard times, the fun and laughter- the tears and grieving. It’s all part of my Father in Heaven’s intention to fully bring me home to Him and I’m thankful for the ride.

  • I am purified and changed in God. My eye is single to His glory. My sole objective is to bless others.

  • Naked came I into this world and naked will I leave, except for the love and service I give, and the character this creates.

  • God is assisting me in emptying myself of fear, doubt and self significance and filling me with his love and with a love for all people.

  • I care more about my neighbor than I do being a good neighbor. I care more about my spouse than I do about being a good husband or wife. I care more about my kids than I do about being a good father or mother. I care more about the people I serve than I do about being a success.

  • Heavenly Father is replacing my stoney heart, with a real heart- a warm and loving, compassionate and empathetic heart.

  • I live in the here and now instead of the future or the past.

  • I am the complete source and point of decision in accepting God’s grace and entering into fellowship with Him. In this, He can and will work His glory, which glory is the happiness of the human race.

Scriptures & Quotes

  • Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.

  • Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves.

  • Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.

  • Behold, I did cry unto him and I did find peace to my soul.

  • Courage, and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and let all the sons of God shout for joy!

  • And now, …I would that you should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth you will be saved.

  • And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full.

  • For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.

  • Do not say: O God, I thank thee that we are better than our brethren; but rather say: O Lord, forgive my unworthiness, and remember my brethren in mercy—yea, acknowledge your unworthiness before God at all times.

  • Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

  • Learn of me,and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.

  • The fear of the Lord …is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

  • …the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength--that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. - Jeffrey Holland

  • [God] gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases strength. … “… They that wait upon [Him] shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. … “For … the Lord … God will hold [their] right hand, saying unto [them], Fear not; I will help you.”

  • Cry unto him for mercy; for He is mighty to save.

    Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto Him.

    Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.

    Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.

    Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.

    Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.

    Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.

    Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

    But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.

    Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.