Keep Looking At My Face
Lyrics set to David Tolk's instrumental, "Blessings”
About 4 years ago a friend of mine (I’ll call Mark) went down a dark road (so to speak). Shortly after things came to a head for him- and coming very close to losing his family, he heard a voice in his mind- calling him by name- “Mark- two things: First, everything is going to be O.K. Just put one foot in front of the other. Second- Keep looking at my face.”
Recently I’d been thinking again about what God distilled in my friend Mark’s heart and while meditating on David Tolk’s instrumental, “Blessings”, realized that Mark’s journey was also my journey (and perhaps many of yours).
Suddenly, as the lyrics started pouring out onto some post-its I found nearby, I found myself on the road described above and felt my Savior’s tender mercy- inviting me to turn again and again to Him- to keep looking at His face.