ARP (12 Step)
12 Step - ARP (Addiction Recovery Program)
Preface: Are you addicted?
Through careful self examination it will occur to you that while you may not be “addicted”, technically, you may be in the neighborhood.
Do you struggle with...
Needing to be right.
Needing to get your way.
Feelings of insecurity or loneliness.
Fast food and/or an over indulgence with refined sugar.
Diet coke.
Easily offended.
Holding blame against someone.
Codependence (not willing to make sure a relationship works for you too).
If the answer to any of the above is “yes”, I promise you that you will be deeply blessed through this program.
Note: This is the LDS version of the 12 step program. We use this, 1, because we feel that the “study and understanding” section is the best available and 2, because it’s a free, public service which we are very grateful for. If you're not LDS adapt the material in your mind as necessary.
Click here for the 12 step Videos (These are AWESOME)
Click here if you would like to attend a meeting. The meetings are a miracle.
Ready? You can start listening or reading and then answering the questions right away! We suggest answering the questions in writing. The recordings are below. Click here for the manual.
Step 9: Restitution and Reconciliation