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AGREEMENT 9 - i cause my world
Agreement 9 - Notes
Note 1 - What you are “causing” can be in your outside world and/or your inner experience. Only you can fully see how you are causing things. But the fact that you are even looking is the heart of accountability and of an open heart.
Note 2 - Saying “I cause my world” doesn’t make as much sense unless it is accompanied with “Lord, be merciful unto me, a sinner.” It’s the combination that creates freedom. Running into the arms of the Savior, trusting in his mercy creates our willingness to see our self as the cause. Seeing ourself as the cause gives us more reason to run into the arms of the Savior.
The consummate skill- the highest commitment you can make is to tell yourself the truth. Your understanding of where you have gone wrong won’t come all at once, but if you’re committed, it will come. And the more you see (compromises, messes or weaknesses) the more free and empowered you will feel. For the Savior can only pour His healing love and forgivenessinto the opening of our self honesty.
There is another point to this video, perhaps even more important: In the eternal scheme of things- if we humbly come to understand what we could have done, then, through the atonement of Christ, it's as if we did it, and as is stated in the film, all will work together, in the end, toward our good- toward our happiness- in one way or the other.
I tend to identify with my attributes, my talents, my weaknesses, my gifts, my liabilities, my history, my circumstance (even my hair color). I say, "this is me!" The truth is: I am a child of God. But let’s take move from theory to reality. Let’s take this further: The truth about me is “How can I serve you?” This is my path to melting fear & blame. This is how I embrace my personal nothingness and how God to reach me with his everythingness.
He reaches and fills me in my willingness to touch and serve someone else. Without this, I only cycle in my self significance, and fears.
In coming to know and serve someone else, I rescue both of us (him or her and me). This is the only way God can get through to me. Only in reaching out and touching someone else’s life is my heart open enough to understand who God is, and (being His child), who I am.
So this is how I define my self. I am a child of God and I'm here to serve you. This is who I am. This is my accounting. This is what I'm causing.
By Peter Smith and John Canaan
Mastery milestone - recordings (listen after last meeting)
These recordings are the final meetings of each Mastery and are not part of Agreement 9 but are included here for easy reference following Mastery Milestone (the last meeting for each Master). Click here for Mastery Milestone recordings.