Agreement 3 - Boundaries
““We didn’t expect this- but this conversation (Agreement 3) was the answer to 15 years of conflict. Thank you!” ”
Overarching Action: “I’m willing to lovingly guide you to something that works for both of us.”
Overarching Theme: Notice when you're uncomfortable with something. Ask the Centering Questions. Be willing to have a conversation.
As Randy Jacobs points out, before cleansing the temple (turning over tables and driving everyone out) the Savior took time to braid the whip. This was evidence that He wasn't bringing His story into this thing. He was bringing His commitment. He was standing for these people. He was standing for God. He was standing for the temple (His house). He was living in His boundaries.
It is interesting to note, also, that He didn't get much flack for His demonstration. As you stand for people’s lives- for what’s best for everyone, in most cases, neither will you.
“Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords He drove them all out of the temple.”
When you stand for the people you love, they tend to stand for you.
This young man stood and paid tribute to his coach, because his coach stood for him (by chaining and locking the doors to the basketball court until these students got their grades up).
Coach Carter came through for his team by making good on his promise: "I will support you as your coach to the degree that you come through for yourselves by maintaining your GPA- otherwise, this gym will close and this team stops playing." THIS is commitment.
This is to love and to come through for people by noticing their level of commitment (Agreement 3) and responding with with the appropriate action, or "gift" (Agreement 4).
Suggested Reading in order of importance: