Agreement 5 - reunion
“Reunion” Background & explanation
Angry at yourself
In part, self betrayal means being mad at yourself for not being everything it takes to get the love you need.
You didn't used to feel like this toward yourself. According to Robert Holden, in early stages of our life (before we started judging our self) we even enjoyed looking at our self in a mirror.
As convinced as you might be that you’re not “good enough” to be loved…
…God has a very different point of view. It’s healing to tune into this, so that you can look in the mirror like you used to.
If God loves you, maybe you can too.
Part 1 - Get with God
Step 2) On your knees or seated reverently, ask your Heavenly Father the following:
Are you there?
What do you feel about me?
Who am I to you?
Step 2) Consider His response. You may want to write whatever impressions come to you. Sometimes, if you’ll just start writing, your impressions will become a little more discernible. Sometimes your impression will not include words- it will just be an experience- like an opening inside.
Part 2 - Reunion
Step 1 - Please follow the meditation in the recording below (about 6 minutes).
Step 2 - Find a mirror and repeat the last part of the above recording, as explained here:
Looking directly into your own eyes (in the mirror or in the visualization) state the following (below). Repeat until you feel somewhat comfortable. This may take a few tries. Tip: Don’t try to feel anything. Don’t try to psyche yourself up. Just say the words and be present to the possibility.
_______ (your name i.e. John, Tammy, etc.)
God loves you.
He has always loved you.
He will always love you.
I love you.
I forgive you.
_______ (your name), I really do love you.
Inspired Dr. Robert Holden and Louise Hay. Modified for Mastery.