Agreement 5 - reunion
“Reunion” Background & explanation
Part 1 - Get with God
Step 2) On your knees or seated reverently, ask your Heavenly Father the following:
Are you there?
What do you feel about me?
Who am I to you?
Step 2) Consider His response. You may want to write whatever impressions come to you. Sometimes, if you’ll just start writing, your impressions will become a little more discernible. Sometimes your impression will not include words- it will just be an experience- like an opening inside.
Part 2 - Reunion
Step 1 - Please follow the meditation in the recording below (about 6 minutes).
Step 2 - Find a mirror and repeat the last part of the above recording, as explained here:
Looking directly into your own eyes (in the mirror or in the visualization) state the following (below). Repeat until you feel somewhat comfortable. This may take a few tries. Tip: Don’t try to feel anything. Don’t try to psyche yourself up. Just say the words and be present to the possibility.
_______ (your name i.e. John, Tammy, etc.)
God loves you.
He has always loved you.
He will always love you.
I love you.
I forgive you.
_______ (your name), I really do love you.
Inspired Dr. Robert Holden and Louise Hay. Modified for Mastery.