EMT examples
E.M.T. Examine My Thoughts (Carefully & Prayerfully)
1) I’ve been believing that when someone doesn’t believe in me, that I have no valid reason to believe in myself.
Instead, I trust God’s love and encouragement.
2) I’ve been believing that _______ should change, to make me feel better.
Instead I will feel better by living in my integrity.
3) I’ve wanted to run from my current situation because I’ve been believing that it is __________ who caused it. More so, if he or she caused it, there’s no escaping my pain. I’m a victim, and I need to run.
Instead I will a) fully embrace that I cause my world (100%) and I will live what I believe and enjoy my life and my marriage.
4) I’m expecting ________ to take away my shame- shame that’s making me feel angry at him or her.
Instead I now accept his or her right to feel however she feels about me, and whatever light he or she sees me in. I alone must decide who I am, no one else. And besides, I may be misunderstanding what he or she is actually feeling about me anyway.
5) I’ve been believing that when someone is adversarial that I am in danger and need to protect myself.
Instead of getting defensive or sullen I will inwardly pray for this person, forgive him and explore ways I can turn the conversation around so that he or she feels safe.
6) I’ve been believing that it’s _______’s fault and blaming him or her for anything and everything.
Instead I will see my own part as fully and completely as I can.
7) I’ve been believing that there’s not enough time to take care of anyone like I’d like to. This has made me self absorbed, panicked, insensitive, impatient and careless, which makes the ones I love feel let down and even less taken care of, which makes me feel even more alone and panicked.
Instead, I believe that God will assist me in managing my time carefully and consciously- to balance what needs attention. I will start by reading “Getting Things Done” by David Allen.
8) I’ve been believing that you are the source of my frustrations, fears and unhappiness. This makes me feel separate, isolated and resigned.
Instead I see you, not as in the way of what I want, but instead, the perfect opportunity of service and growth that will lead me fully to God. You are just what the doctor ordered.
9) I’ve been bugging you to meet my needs better.
Instead I will invite you and inspire (vs. badger) you toward a life of mutual care.
10) I’ve been believing that you really don’t want to provide for me, or take care of my needs. This has made me feel removed from you.
Instead I trust that you love me, will inspire you with my love, find out how I can serve you better and make peaceful requests in assisting you toward knowing how to take care of ME better.
11) I’ve been believing that you really don’t want me and have sabotaged our relationship in a variety of ways to prove it.
Instead I will plead with God to awaken my feelings of wanting you, and of wanting to serve you. This will make me feel open and fun, which could inspire a more mutually enjoyable relationship.
12) I’ve been believing that I have no voice, nor rights in guiding our relationship to something that works for me too. This has filled me with bitterness and resentment and made you even less interested in loving and serving me.
Instead I will walk with God directly into what may be some uncomfortable but necessary conversations about how our relationship could work better for both of us- the heart of these conversations being my consistent presentation of U.S.A. requests.
13) I’ve been believing that my life doesn’t have much meaning. This has made me unappreciative and more prone to speak to the disappointments, vs. the possibilities.
Instead I will ask God to assist me in filling the measure of my creation in whatever ways I’m inspired, through whatever commitments, projects, work or education is required. As I feel better about myself I will feel inspired to make you feel better about yourself.
14) I’ve been believing that I’m a victim, that I have to endure pain because of someone else’s misbehavior.
Instead, I live in my boundaries and carefully leading people to something that works for me too.
15) I’ve been believing that I am helpless in this situation.
Instead I take action.